Dear Community, Friends, Sacramento folks, SF supporters, fellow kinksters, newbies, oldbies, and everyone in between:
We at Southern Cross central cannot ever thank you enough for the contributions you made directly to EDGES at our Annual Valley Fundraiser.
Many of you spent WEEKS preparing to dazzle us with your talents, classes, and specialties- your time and energy is appreciated.
*YOU FOLKS* did that- not us. We just showed up and fed ya.
*YOU FOLKS* are magnificent- and all of us kinksters are very lucky to live and play together so well.
The bottom line is that we are supporting our play space and having FUN!
Our pre-sales tickets were phenominal and paid for all our pre-event shopping- thank you for planning ahead and getting tickets early (and yes, those souvenir tickets will be returned to you!), and to those who came and volunteered when feeling poorly-- we are humbled by your commitment. 
Our letter to the community is as follows:
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
From All Of Us at Southern Cross to all our Friends of SX, Guest Talent with their gracious donations of time and energy, and the countless volunteers who always show up and magically make these fun events happen, it is my pleasure to let the greater SF Bay Community know that tonight we raised $3,547.00 for EDGES.
We need to send a gracious bow to several people who put themselves out beyond all our expectations:
Steve Bower- you could charm the snake outta the skin, and the auction was a huge success due to you.
Viper- Your donations of time, the auctioned whip- and even your slave- made the night fabulous.
Waldemar- the poi show ROCKED!
Celeste- we send our love.
Master Bob and jan... thank you for supporting us and giving it your all (and your car).
Uncle Abdul- our favorite fluffy service tech.
Travis & Bruce: FABULOUS Gun Play Class- we are doing it again soon in the Central Valley.
Don- You light our fire.
John- Our glitter king.
Sol- thank you for traveling under extreme FAA conditions.
V- the coffin is GORGEOUS, the wood was shiny, and the danger was obvious!
Loyd- Paddles and pain, you got the best delivery.
And our own SX staffers Courtney (event Goddess, flogger queen, billboard breasts) and Vicki (photography, pain, humiliation, and office staff).
We have to thank you VERY SPECIAL belly dancing girls for one of the HOTTEST scenes of the night (dancing with a sword on your head is now my new thing!).
Thank you to the folks who donated the new crock pots, who donated the leather sling to SX, to T. for the auction donation of the Killer portable St. Andrews Cross, to smO for the tent loans, to SV for your tireless set up and tear downs, to Salty Dog for the auction, Strong Eagle for the canes, The great art that was donated, the knitting, the scenes, and the plethora of tears and giggles elicited during that OFF THE HOOK AUCTION!

Signing off at 4am, we thank you all and hope we remembered EVERYONE of you that make us so proud to serve and play in the South Bay.
NEXT big party/fundraiser-HALLOWEEN! Saturday, October 27, 2007. Watch this space for more info.
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